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Counting the benefits of mandatory maths – and how to avoid making skills inequalities
Evaluation Exchange: Who are Street Storage?
Evaluation Exchange: Wac Arts empowering young people to change their world through the arts
Evaluation Exchange: Lifeafterhummus Community Benefit Society
Evaluation Exchange: Designing Surveys to Capture the Support ‘Skills Enterprise’ Offers in Newham
Evaluation Exchange: Supporting Vulnerable Residents in Diverse Communities
Evaluation Exchange: Kentish Town City Farm
Ideas to Actions: The Evaluation Exchange
Evaluation Exchange: Reflecting and Adapting to Constant Change in Social Enterprises
Ready, set, go! The Evaluation Exchange has launched in Camden
The Evaluation Exchange launches in Newham
Ready for work? UK youth ambitious but uncertain about their future careers
Covid-19 and young people: we need to talk about job skills
Tracking Youth Employment Support Initiatives during COVID
Housing wealth, not bursaries, explains much of private school participation for those without high incomes
What’s New in the Government White Paper on Skills? by Andy Green
School-to-work transitions during coronavirus: Lessons from the 2008 Global Financial Crisis
How much does private schooling raise your pay, and does it make you give more to the community?
Paying for Sixth Form: Does It Make A Difference?
IOE London Blog: Why Britain’s private schools are such a social problem
UCL European Institute Blog: Those with changing preferences on Brexit are the engaged, not the dissatisfied and alienated
NIESR Blog: Urgent Action Needed to Improve Maths and Statistical Skills
Centre for Global Youth Blog – Young people and Fundamental British Values: why is support lower among young people with vocational qualifications?
NIESR Blog: Graduates of All Ages Should Help Pay for Higher Education
Are private schools better managed than state schools?
Britain’s endless skills problems: why academics and policy works need to communicate
Will there be enough graduate jobs in the next 10 years?
EU and me: why are British pensioners more nationalistic than their peers across the channel?
The crisis for young people: why housing is the key to social mobility
Why Do Privately Educated People in Britain Earn More?
The Government’s New White Paper on Housing Offers No Hope for Young People
Job Insecurity Is Bad For Our Health
Should governments worry about graduate underemployment?
Who gains from the ‘public benefit’ activities of private schools?
Income distribution in times of austerity
Do free schools raise the performance of nearby schools, as Policy Exchange have claimed, or is this a statistical mirage?
Bad marks for Sweden’s muddled teacher training in OECD report on school system
Hidden sins of economic crisis: the problem of unhappiness at work
Russell Brand is wrong: young people should vote, and schools should do more to encourage them
Early school leaving still blights English education
Student funding reforms have made part-time study unaffordable for many people
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